Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clear White Bumps On Pelvis Strange Rash/ Bumps On Pelvic Area.?

Strange rash/ bumps on pelvic area.? - clear white bumps on pelvis

my friend has to have this rash / pelciv recordings is in the region, says that in a red belly is starting a highlight on his head, as a clear and white, little appears and ends looked like an old spikes / diaper rash . Any idea what might be. said type of scabies then started the next day there were some there is now some 20 of them. He says he is only in the basin. We have had sex last weekend, and came to a yeast infection a few days, it could be that, maybe because I installed it and the razor stubble may have irritated? We have some lubricant or Astroglide, can later you have a leak or an allergic reaction in a week? Does anyone have any experience with this or something similar. may be thatGenital warts, which would not sting and they dont get head in a squall, I tested clamydiah or ghonorriah, sooo ... and pain or not open like herpes or sooo thoroughly,


nekidasa... said...

It seems that the bumps are caused by excessive sweating. Chefs in the pelvic area may be caused by a number of things, I think it could be sweat, because you have a yeast infection shortly after sleeping with him. Encourage your child to take a bath, or regularly (more frequently especially before intimacy shower) - otherwise you will be yeast infection. If you do not see a change in 2 weeks, it's time to see a doctor. Good luck!

Becky J said...

Tell him to shave his hair.

FullFigu... said...

You need to consult a doctor or by an allergic reaction or herpes. You can not undo things if you are not a doctor, because some things do not always exactly the same thing when it comes to this irritation and / or sexually transmitted diseases.

JW said...

The best advice I can test both of you. Blood test (Western blot) You may have done so on the health department if you have no health insurance. Mine looks like a yeast infection. Failure to test

Cheryl said...

Molluscum Contagiosum
It's just the irritation of hair follicles, nothing serious, and will disappear by itself.

Distance Runner said...

Take him to a doc.

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